Are all companies dysfunctional?

I’m from software development, when I was an undergraduate I used to love the fantasies my lecturers used to tell me about Formal Methods. If only everyone could specify their program formally then everything would be good. I loved these stories. And then I tried it.

They didn’t work like I was told they would, they didn’t solve anything, they moved the problem somewhere else. Now later in life I don’t believe they ever could – you see, I’ve discovered the soft side of software development.

After formal methods fell from the pedestal I read a lot on software process practice. I could see how you could make it all work like clockwork. This was good. And then I worked for a company certified to ISO 9001 – it was hell.

I never got started with CMM before I worked for a company that was introducing it. There is a lot of good in the CMM literature but it is a ruler to measure things by, not a thing that stands high by itself. Anyway, its upside down. The top layer is “self improving” and this is what you need right at the bottom.

Now I’ve been to business school and have a qualification to prove it. So I’ve worshipped at the feet of great companies, GE, Sony, JCB and others – my personal favourite was SAS Institute. I’ve read how it should be –Porter, Hamel, Levitt, Womack and others. (At least Tom Peters is entertaining – particularly since he’s happy to be inconsistent; may favourite is Henry Mintzberg, he knows things are not as they are “supposed to be” and he’s happy to say it. His great insight: things change over time, ideas emerge.)

Yet I work in business, and the company I work for is pretty enlighten, intelligent people and, at least on the face of it, its managed well. Still, I can find dysfunctional areas. Does this mean the company is doing something wrong? Is there some great thinker/author they’ve missed out on?

But then, every company I’ve ever work for has had some degree of success. Even one or two really really bad places have had successes, or at least a successful history. So why is it so difficult to find a company with gets it right?

Does your employer get it right?

Where is the company that knows its customer, isn’t stuck-in-the-middle, practices lean manufacturing, values innovation, develops software in a Agile way with CMM level 5?

I’m forced to the conclusion that such places don’t exist.

If such placed did exist we need so much literature?

And actually, if such a place did exist wouldn’t it be a bit boring to work at?
Somewhere in all companies there is dysfunction. This brings opportunities and challenges. It doesn’t necessarily mean the company is doomed – although it may be. The important thing is
self-awareness, is the company and employees aware of a problem?
(Problem: its difficult to admit your dysfunctional when your interviewing someone. So you paint a rosy picture, and when they join they get disappointed.)

It maybe they are aware, they are trying to fix it, or they are routing around it – who cares if your front line people can’t get their innovations accepted up the chain if the R&D department have great pipeline of new ideas?

No, its when people don’t know about dysfunctional that there are real problems. How can you deal with an issue if you are blind to it?

I’m sure I’ll return to this topic as I write more in this Blog.