Bug Strategies & Xanpan volume 2

The summer lull has finally allowed me to get a lot done. In particular I’m very pleased to have finished a piece of writing I began some months ago: Bugs – Management Strategies.

This is an important piece for two reasons. Firstly I’ve been wanting to write this essay for a few years but never found the time. It has taken about four months in total and it runs to about 30 pages, now I know why it took so long.

Secondly, this is one of the corner stones for Xanpan volume 2. Volume 2 was going to be subtitled “Management Heuristics” but I’m now thinking it will deal more with organising so the sub-title might become “Management Heuristics and Organisation” or “Heuristics for organising software development” or some combination.

When I have a couple more chapters of volume 2 in place I’ll make it available on LeanPub. Until then you can register your interest in volume 2 right there.

In the meantime please read “Bugs – Management Strategies” and let me have your feedback. At this point I’m really posting it to get some feedback.

And if you haven’t already bought and read Xanpan volume 1: Team Centric Agile Software Development please do today!

(And if you prefer the a hard copy then get Xanpan at Lulu rather than LeanPub.)