Agile creates jobs

Regular readers will now that over the last two years I’ve done a lot of work in Cornwall, I jokingly refer to “the Cornish Software Mines” (A case study and Light Touch Coaching to name two blog entries.) To date the most visible result of this work was the Agile on the Beach conference which is running again next week.

There is now a report out which has looked at the programme overall and concluded that the Agile Cornwall Programme created 50 jobs. That might not be a big deal for London but in Cornwall that is a big deal. Particularly since half the jobs were high paying.

So far I haven’t actually seen the report so I just have this report on the report to go on. I’m trying to get a copy as we speak.

I can’t take all the credit, I had help. The thanks need to go to:

This report also looks it should help providing some evidence for Agile.

There is still time to book tickets for Agile on the Beach if you want to meet all these people and some of the people who benefitted.