Advice for creating burn-down – and other capacity measurements

Continuing from my last blog entry (Burn-downs are not just for Sprints) I’d like to offer some advice on the subject, burn-downs, cumulative flow diagrams, velocity, etc..

1) Don’t track hours. Hours are input and its better to measure outputs. Hours are subjective, see my Humans can’t estimate tasks blog. Worse still we have too many psychological hang-ups about hours to make them usable. Instead you want your own currency, call them story points, abstract points, nebulous units of time or what ever you like. Having your own currency allows it to adjust to your team.

Each team has its own currency. Its like having the dollar, euro and pound. They all float independently, there is an exchange rate but it changes.

2) Draw your graphs by hand, process your data by hand. Get a feel for your data. Unless you have a feel for the data and an understanding of how it comes to be you can’t reason about it.

When I say “by hand” I allow you to use Excel (or similar), graph paper is better, but whatever you use don’t use a tool like Rally, Version One, etc. because you won’t have a feel.

Jack Kilby, co-inventor of the silicon chip and pioneer of the electronic calculator, lamented that his invention(s) deskilled engineers. Before the calculator engineers used a slide rule, this meant the engineers needed to know where to put the decimal point. They needed a feel for the data. Kilby lamented that the calculator meant engineers didn’t have the same intuition because of the calculator and led them to make mistakes elsewhere.

4) Use estimated data, forget actuals: estimates and actuals are apples and oranges, or rather, they are future facing estimates and retrospectives estimates.

Estimate tasks just before you do them (e.g. iteration planning meeting), put ball-park estimate on stories which you aren’t going to do any time soon (i.e. later than this iteration), and use averages for really long term stuff.

When you break the stories into tasks, or epics into stories, don’t expect the numbers to match. In fact, you might want to track the variation for longer range forecasting.

5) From 2 & 4: if you have a time-tracking/time-sheeting system leave it to one side, let it exist in its own little fantasy bubble. Don’t use the data, its toxic – see my entries on Capers Jones work. Live by your velocity measurements and charts.

Ultimately, burn-downs are about capacity measurement: John Seddon in Freedom from Command & Control talks about creating capacity measurement charts within organisations. The various graphs we use in Agile are our version of capacity measurement. Accepting its about capacity measurement means its not about targeting. Targeting is wrong see my entry form last year – Velocity targeting and velocity inflation – for more about this.