Updates for Dialogue Sheets

Two dialogue sheet updates today.

Firstly I’ve created a mailing list to make announcements about dialogue sheets and for discussions about the use of dialogue sheets. This list is open to all and is hosted on Google groups (so you need a Google account).

Second, I’ve uploaded a new dialogue sheet. Another retrospective sheet this one is designed for use at the end of training course. I’ve used it at the end of several Software Strategy Agile training course and it has been well received. This sheet fulfils three purposes:

  • It allows participants to experience a retrospective
  • It provides for a retrospective on a training course at the end of the course
  • It introduces dialogue sheets as a technique for retrospectives

Although the sheet was intended specifically for use at the end of an Agile training course there is little that is specific to Agile in it. I’d really appreciate feedback from other trainers who try this sheet.

As usual, all this is at www.dialoguesheets.com.