Agile on the Beach: Falmouth, September 15-16, 2011

I’ve mentioned some of the work I’ve been doing in Cornwall over the last eight or nine months in this blog a few times, and anyone who follows me on Twitter will have seen my Tweets about the “Cornish Software Mines.” Well, one of the spin off of this work is a Cornish Agile Conference – Agile on the Beach.

Agile on the Beach is happening in Falmouth on Thursday 15 and 16 September 2011. Speakers include: Kevlin Henney, Tom and Mary Poppendieck, Rachel Davies, Steve Freeman, Jon Jagger, Jason Gorman and quite a few more – see here. Some more speakers will be announced nearer to the conference.

Tickets went on sale today, early bird price is £230 – if you are quick you might get one of the limited number of £195 tickets available.

The organisers (and yes, I’m one) hope that people attending the conference will take the opportunity to extend their visit to Cornwall into a long weekend. After all, Cornwall is much better know as a holiday destination than a software development centre.

All the details on the Agile on the Beach website. In addition, if you plan to attend sign on to the LinkedIn group and you can see who else will be there. More details are being announced all the time so to stay up with the latest announcements follow the Twitter hash tag #AgileOTB and Twitter User @Agileonthebeach.