How to improve a team's velocity?

By way of wrapping up my velocity mini-series (Two ways to fill and iteration, Filling an iteration too well, and Velocity Targeting and Velocity Inflation) I’m going to end with some advice on how to improve a team’s velocity.

Bad news first: there are no silver bullets, there are no easy answers, there is no quick way of doing this.

There is no big fix, there are many, many, thousands, of little fixes which cumulatively add up. Each little fix improve your productivity (velocity) a little bit. Over time these add up to big improvements.

To use economic logic: this is about improving the supply-side. The supply-side argument (largely monetarist) suggests the way to solve unemployment is not to increase demand (Keynes style) but to loosen and liberalise the labour market. There is no single action which can do this, instead there are many small changes that need to be made to make the labour market more flexible.

But back to software…. how might you improve you velocity?

Well, Things to do to improve code quality is a good list to start with. Improving code quality makes teams more productive because they spend less time wading through swamp and scratching their heads.

Of these the thing that comes closed to a silver bullet is: Test Driven Development. TDD is something of a silver bullet, it does improve things BUT (big BUT) it takes time to learn to do it properly. Expect to take time, don’t expect it to happen over night, spend the time and money on training, coaching, setting up a continuous integration server and such. It will pay back, sooner than you think.

How on the heals of TDD is refactoring. In fact the two go together.

Adopting TDD and pursuing refactoring may throw up another problem which people would rather keep quiet about: developer skills levels. Some developers just don’t have the mastery of their tools required. A friend of mine who does TDD coaching tells me it usually ends up as OO coaching more than TDD coaching. So, invest in developer training, buy them books, send them on courses, bring in coaches, set up book study groups and other exchanges were developers can learn to do things better.

I would avoid adding more people to a team. We know, from Brooks Law, that at least the short run that will slow things down. But you can give existing people more time to actually do work. Try reducing the number of meetings you hold. If you have a regular planning meeting and daily stand-up meetings there shouldn’t be a lot of other meetings you need. Certainly there should be very few “all team” meetings.

And if your stand-up meetings are taking more than 15 minutes a day then look to shorten them. Any size team should be able to complete a meeting in 15 minutes if you approach it in the right way – see Three Ways to Run a Stand-Up meeting.

I often meet teams who feel that two weeks is too short a time to do anything useful, and they often question that frequency takes up too much meeting time. Rather than length an iteration it is better to shorten iterations. Teams get to review work in progress and take corrective action more often. There is less time for changes to disrupt planned work. It is good practice at both fitting work in short periods and at making planning meeting more effective.

In time, when you are good at iteration planning I might lengthen them, but it is rare I would let iteration last more than two weeks.

Next get serious about removing impediments. Too many teams live with impediment, accept them as a fact of life, something they can’t do anything about. Each impediment (or block if you prefer that name) reduces velocity a bit. If you want a higher velocity fix your impediments.

I don’t need to say it but I will: retrospectives. Do them, and action the ideas that come out of them.

Finally, just: Concentrate on doing a better job and the velocity, productivity and points will follow. The numbers are there to provide feedback, show you are going in the right direction. Don’t worry about the actual numbers, just keep improving.

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