Taking Japan by storm (and not taking Kingston)

After slogging my way into London’s through the worst snow in 18 years on Monday and Tuesday this week to deliver a Agile Project Management course, I was a little relieved when Kingston & Croydon BCS cancelled last nights presentation – because of the weather. Still I was a sorry to miss the evening.

If you were one of those who planned to come along all I can say is Sorry, I believe it will be rescheduled for a later date.

But, when I opened my e-mail I had a very nice surprise…

My book, Changing Software Development: Learning to become Agile is going to be translated into Japanese. I can’t wait to see it. This was quite unexpected and I think goes to show how well the book has been received.

Now if any Japanese readers would like me to do a talk in Japan I’m more than happy to oblige, although I will have to ask for expenses.