Books for Product Managers

Turns out books about Product Management are a little likes buses: None then 3 turn up at once!

I’ve been looking for a good book on Product Management for a while so I was interested to see Tuned In by Craig Stull, Phil Myers and David Meerman Scott published. I’ve not had a chance to read it yet (so don’t take this as a recommendation) but I intend to.

Then, at Oredev I met Luke Holmann and had the pleasure to hear him speak. Turns out Luke has a book in the product management space too, its been out for a couple of years but somehow I’ve missed it. Again I’ve not had the chance to read it yet but I intend to, it is Beyond Software Architecture.

Finally, one of the Product Managers I’m working with just now leant me a copy of another book, Expert Product Management by Brian Lawley. This is small book and as such doesn’t cover the role of the Product Manager in full. It simply covers several aspects of product: Road mapping, Beta programmes, Reviews and Product Launch. There is good information here and as its small you can read it quickly. Still, I’m hoping on of the other books will turn out to be the Product Management book I’ve been looking for.

3 thoughts on “Books for Product Managers”

  1. Allan –
    I love Tuned In. It is a great book.

    I loved it so much that I’m proud to say that Pragmatic Marketing and Enthiosys have partnered, and in the future you’ll be seeing us leverage Tuned In and Innovation Games(R) to help you create true Resonators.

  2. Hi Allan,
    I read Luke’s book about 3 years ago and think it’s a good read, primarily because it covers things I’ve never seen in other books. I recall the chapter on licensing models is quite interesting and also the roles of Markitect vs. Architect. Anyway, definitely a good read, I’d recommend it.

  3. Hi Allan,

    I have a recommendation, you may have already read it. The book is The design of everyday things. It’s not a product management book, however it is about thinking like a user. As such I think it address the main problem I have seen in the product management space, namely deciding what to build.

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