Chapters & Contibutions

Book cover: #NoProjects - Leybourn & Hastie

#NoProjects: A Culture of Continuous Value

Evan Leybourn and Shane Hastie, 2019

Preface by Allan Kelly

Today success comes from building products people love, creating loyal customers and serving the broader stakeholder community. In this thoughtful exploration on the future of work, the authors explore the past, present and future of the “project”. And why, in today’s fast changing & hyper-competitive world, running a temporary endeavour is the wrong approach to building sustainable products and how #noprojects is fundamentally changing the way companies work. The metrics by which we have historically defined success are no longer applicable and we need to re-examine the way value is delivered in the new economy.

The Practitioner's Handbook of Project Performance

Practioner’s Handbook of Project Performance

Edited by Mark Philips, 2019

Chapter on Continuous Digital and #NoProjects by Allan Kelly

This book is the result of the hard work and dedication of more than 35 authors from more than 15 countries across four continents. It brings a diversity of experience, professional and personal. It includes practitioners, leading academics, renowned theorists and many who straddle those roles. The chapters cover experiences in software, large-scale infrastructure projects, finance and health care, to name a few. The chapters themselves take many forms. Check out the Table of Contents to get a deeper sense of the topics included. All provide real-world guidance on delivering high-performing projects and show you how to build, lead and manage high-performing teams.

Video interview with editor Mark Philips: “Cornelius Fichtner welcomes guest Mark Phillips, as they discuss his book, The Practioner’s Guide to Project Performance. Mark brought together 35 experts to share their advice on improving project performance and tied it all together with his afterword, What the heck are we studying? Projects, performance, and laws.”

Being Agile in Business

Belina Waldock, 2015 – forward by Allan Kelly

From back cover: Agile and Lean aren’t just business buzzwords – they’re fast and efficient methodologies you need to change the way you work – for good.

Work faster, think clearer and improve your agility, both professionally and personally, with a suite of powerful tools that will introduce you to the essential skills and mindsets of Agile and Lean and quickly encourage you to start thinking differently.

Business Analysis & Leadership: Influencing change

Editted by Penny Pullian and James Archer, 2013 – book website, Business Analysts & Leadership

Allan Kelly contributed a chapter on Knowledge Sharing and Analysis with Patterns.

The book takes a framework for leadership, starting off with a focus on the self, then leading within your project, then moving out to leading across your organization and, finally, leading in the wider world.

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

Edited by Kevlin Henney (2010)

97 Things contains sage advice from over 30 experienced software developers. With two contributions from Allan Kelly:

  • Two Wrongs Make A Right (and are difficult to fix)
  • Check Your Code First Before Looking to Blame Others
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know


Pattern Languages of Program Design vol 5

19 patterns and pattern collections relating to the development of software systems.

“PLoPD5” – Includes Encapsulated Context pattern.

Addison-Wesley, 2006 – Edited by Dragos Manolescu, Markus Voelter, and James Noble

EuroPLoP 2009 Proceedings

Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming. Held at Irsee Germany, July 2009.

Editored Allan Kelly and Dr. Michael Weiss, Carlton University (conference chairs).

EuroPLoP 2009 print version at Amazon, or free PDF download at (print version also available at Lulu.)

EuroPLoP 2009 conference proceedings